Symptoms of Heartbreak in a Relationship
Physical and mental symptoms of heartbreak in a relationship include analyzing every detail of the relationship in detail and blaming yourself for the breakup.
Relationships rarely end because of one person’s action. Blaming yourself will do nothing to change the outcome of a breakup. Another physical sign of heartbreak is feeling dizzy or wobbly. These are symptoms of stress, but they are not always present.
‘Being left’ can trigger primal separation fear
A person suffering from this condition cannot find a way out and may surround themselves with the wrong people because they are afraid to be left alone. Often they give up on all their goals and hobbies because they feel that they will be abandoned. They may also become lonely, scared, and empty. Thankfully, there are many ways to treat this condition and help the person suffering from it.
The first step is identifying the symptoms of this …
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