Top Health and Wellness Magazines
If you’re looking for a new outlet to submit your work to, consider these top health and wellness magazines. If you’d like to write about health and wellness, you can submit your work to these magazines to increase your chances of getting published. They pay $1.50 per word for nonfiction articles, and typically buy between 60 and 80 nonfiction pieces a year. You can also submit columns and other pieces to these publications.
Women’s Health
If you’re a woman looking for health and wellness information, you can find it in Women’s Health magazine. With award-winning articles on health, nutrition, beauty, and fitness, Women’s Health is a must-read. With 36 million readers each month, Women’s Health is an excellent source for advice and information on all aspects of women’s health. Its goal is to empower women by providing them with the information they need to make informed decisions about their health …
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