Healthy Heart For Women

Healthy Heart For Women

Not much is said about women’s heart health. But the American Heart Association (AHA) reports that heart disease is the number one gift for women. If you are a woman, there are actions you can take to reduce your chances of causing heart disease.

Actions such as proper diet, exercise, reducing stress and taking oil supplements can reduce the risk of reducing heart disease.

A Women’s Healthy Heart

AHA reminds that for a healthy heart, women need to eat healthy food. Here are some recommendations:

Fish-AHA discusses two 3.5-ounce serving fish visit. The United States government issued 8 ounces of talks, but a study conducted in Europe about women of childbearing age, ate zero portions of fish, because of the metal contamination they contained. Fish oil supplements for women of childbearing age.

  • Fruits and Vegetables – They spend at least 4.5 cups a day.
  • Whole Wheat – Women should eat at least 3 ounces a day.
  • Sodium – Your diet should not contain more than 1,500 mg of sodium every day.
  • Sweet drinks should be consumed in less than 36 ounces of visits.

Another thing that AHA recommends is reducing your saturated fat intake to less than 7% of your energy intake. Substitute it for unsaturated fats, but stay away from trans fats.


AHA spends you exercising for at least 30 minutes every day. They even say if you walk for an hour, you increase your life expectancy by two hours. It is recommended that you do moderate exercise because it brings mental and physical well-being.

Manage the Stress

Some people don’t realize it but can cause health problems. I know this because I was in the hospital for a month because of a stress-related illness. To manage your stress, get physical activity, laugh, sleep a lot, stop bad habits like smoking and drinking, and try not to worry.

Fish Oil Supplements

There have been many studies that have been published about fish oil supplements that help prevent heart disease by reducing cholesterol and helping you maintain ideal body weight.


The number one killer of women is heart disease but can prevent it or reduce it by watching your diet, exercising to spend 30 minutes a day, reducing stress and taking fish oil supplements.