Single women live longer than married women. But why? Many reasons may be at play, from the In sickness and in health factor to the stress of being alone without a partner. And let’s not forget that having a child is stressful! And if you’re already stressed, you’ll be more likely to die early if you’re single. Read on to find out how single women can benefit from this lifelong commitment.
In sickness and in health factor
It’s a known fact that married people live longer than their single counterparts. In fact, studies have shown that men and women in spousal relationships have longer life expectancies. Demographers have not been able to determine why, but they do know that married people have lower mortality rates than single people. Similarly, people in intimate relationships tend to have healthier lifestyles. In this way, they may be more likely to live longer.
Stress of living alone
Statistics show that fewer people are marrying, but more women are living alone. Single mothers are the largest demographic group, with nearly one in four living alone. The largest group of singletons is 18-34 years old, while the youngest group is 18-29 years old. In the US, more single women are choosing to stay single, and the average age of marriage for women has been pushed back by two years. While living alone can seem lonely, women who are single have developed a strong social network and a wide range of friends. Many of them invest in hobbies and maintain friendships.
While loneliness may not be directly related to life expectancy, feeling cut off from others can cause a number of health problems. It’s no secret that loneliness is linked to health issues, and living alone may put some people at greater risk. But living with other people can cause loneliness, too. And it’s not only single people who feel lonely. There’s plenty of evidence to suggest that the stress of living alone makes single women live longer.
Stress of having a child
Having a child adds a lot of pressure to a relationship, and single women are no exception. The stress of raising children has been linked to a drop in marital satisfaction. While the children are not the main culprit, it does add a great deal of pressure. The addition of a child to a relationship creates stress not only for parents individually, but for the whole couple. In most relationships, the mother takes on the majority of the childcare, and her other relationships with other people suffer as her bond with her child grows stronger. Stress is a universal problem, and single women are no exception.
One study found that single women had a lower stress level than married women. They also volunteered more and were less likely to smoke and to develop major illnesses. Despite these negative effects of raising a child, single women tend to live longer and healthier than married women. Single women have a higher BMI than married women, and are more likely to be active in the community. In addition, single women are less likely to suffer from diabetes than married women.
Stress of living with another person
Studies show that single women are healthier, happier, and live longer than married women. The reasons are diverse, but they are all rooted in the same reason: stress. Single women have less stress and fewer compromises than married women. They also feel more empowered. They do not have to deal with two separate sets of responsibilities. Instead, they can focus on one. Stress is linked to physical and mental illness, which is why it is important to get enough sleep each night.