Women’s Obstetrics & Gynecology
Alamo Women’s Obstetrics & Gynescology is one of many San Antonio OB/GYN practices. Read a patient review and decide if Alamo is right for you. You can also view more reviews of women’s health providers at the practice. If you’re planning a pregnancy or are already pregnant, you can visit an OB/GYN office for pregnancy management, labor and delivery, fertility treatments, or a well-woman visit.
RUSM’s OB/GYN residency program
Residents of RUSM’s women’s obstetrics and gynecology residency program gain the experience and skills needed to practice general obstetrics and gynosis. They are also prepared to take the ABOG examinations and will develop attitudes for lifelong learning and research. In addition, residents have continuity clinic patients throughout their residency. During this time, they attend sessions such as high-risk prenatal care, adolescent prenatal care, and gynecologic oncology.
Residents enjoy four weeks of annual vacation. Resident work schedules cannot exceed eighty hours. There …
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